
Smart Contract Wallet

A Smart Wallet is a type of wallet governed by smart contracts, specifically adhering to the ERC-4337 standard. In the Ethereum ecosystem, there are two primary account types for token transactions: Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Contract Accounts. A Smart Wallet, distinctively, is managed by a Contract Account instead of an EOA. It eliminates the need for traditional private keys or seed phrases, leveraging code for securing and retrieving wallet data. Users set specific conditions and designate individuals who can access the wallet through smart contracts.
A Smart Wallet, a variant of Web3 wallets, is powered by smart contracts. Access to this wallet is granted through a 'key', which can be a personal account like a MetaMask wallet or a Local Wallet. This key serves as an authentication tool to access the wallet.
Advantages of Smart Wallets include:
  • Enhanced Transaction Efficiency: They enable the combination of multiple transactions into one, reducing gas fees.
  • Robust Security Features: Smart Wallets offer improved security compared to traditional wallets.
  • Social and Multi-Signature Recovery Options: These wallets can be recovered without the need for seed phrases or passwords, and a trusted individual can be nominated for wallet recovery in emergencies.

Super App

A "Super App" is a multifunctional mobile application that consolidates a variety of services and features into a single platform, offering users a seamless and integrated experience. These services often include messaging, social networking, financial transactions, e-commerce, and more, all accessible within the same app. Super Apps are designed to be a one-stop solution for a wide range of daily digital needs, simplifying user interaction by eliminating the need to switch between multiple apps. This concept, popular in regions like Asia, is characterized by its ecosystem approach, where third-party developers can also create mini-apps or services that operate within the Super App, further enhancing its versatility and utility.

Self-Custodial (Wallet)

A "self-custodial wallet," often referred to as a non-custodial or decentralized wallet, is a type of digital wallet for managing cryptocurrencies and other digital assets. The defining feature of a self-custodial wallet is that it gives users complete control over their private keys, which are critical for accessing blockchain-based assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. In self-custodial wallets, the private keys are solely in the possession of the user, contrasting sharply with custodial wallets where a third party, such as a centralized cryptocurrency exchange or traditional financial institution, holds the private keys on behalf of the user.
This type of wallet empowers users with full control over their funds and transactions, eliminating the need to rely on or trust a third party to manage their assets. As the user directly manages their private keys, they have the sole responsibility for the security and management of their digital assets. Self-custodial wallets are integral to the philosophy of decentralized finance (DeFi) as they promote autonomy and reduce reliance on centralized entities. They are crucial for engaging in blockchain transactions, including trading and storing cryptocurrencies, and are pivotal in the movement towards a more decentralized and user-controlled financial ecosystem

Digital Merchant

A "digital merchant" refers to entities, such as crypto dApp operators, crypto protocol providers, and e-commerce sellers, who utilize advanced digital platforms to conduct business. These merchants leverage smart wallet technologies to offer simplified, one-click crypto payment options for a range of products and services, including NFTs, tokens, digital goods, and physical items. They typically operate through platforms like Telegram Bots and Mini-dApps, enhancing the accessibility and convenience of using cryptocurrencies for transactions. This model is instrumental in advancing the adoption of cryptocurrencies as a universally accepted form of payment.

No/Low Code Interfaces and Software

No/Low Code Interfaces and Software refer to tools and platforms that allow users to create applications and software solutions with minimal or no coding required. These interfaces provide a visual and user-friendly environment where users can drag and drop components, configure settings, and create logic flows without the need for traditional programming languages. No/Low Code platforms enable individuals with limited coding knowledge or technical expertise to build functional applications quickly and efficiently. They are particularly useful for rapid prototyping, creating proof-of-concepts, and empowering non-technical users to participate in the software development process.

dApp or Decentralized Application

A dApp, short for decentralized application, refers to an application that operates on a decentralized network, typically a blockchain. Unlike traditional applications that rely on a centralized authority or server, dApps leverage the decentralized nature of blockchain technology to enable peer-to-peer interactions and ensure transparency, security, and immutability of data. These applications are built on smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements recorded on the blockchain. dApps have the potential to revolutionize various industries by offering decentralized solutions for tasks ranging from finance and governance to gaming and social media.

Network Effect

The network effect refers to the phenomenon where the value and utility of a product or service increase as more people use it. In the context of a payment network like PayPal, the network effect occurs when more individuals and businesses join the network. As the user base grows, it becomes more attractive for others to join because there are more potential recipients or payers within the network. This leads to a positive feedback loop where the network becomes increasingly valuable, convenient, and widely accepted. For example, as more merchants accept PayPal as a payment method, more consumers are incentivized to use PayPal for their transactions, further driving the adoption and growth of the network.


SocialFi refers to the integration of social media and decentralized finance (DeFi) concepts, aiming to combine the social aspects of online communities with the financial opportunities and services provided by blockchain technology. It involves leveraging the power of social networks to enhance financial interactions, such as peer-to-peer lending, decentralized trading, and crowdfunding, while also incorporating social features like reputation systems, community governance, and collaborative decision-making. SocialFi aims to foster a more inclusive and community-driven financial ecosystem by enabling individuals to engage in decentralized finance activities in a social and interactive manner.


Toke Launchpad refers to a platform or service that facilitates the launch of new token projects on a blockchain network. It provides a comprehensive ecosystem for token creators to raise funds, distribute tokens, and establish liquidity for their projects. The launchpad typically offers features such as token sale mechanisms, token distribution, fundraising tools, and community engagement to support the successful launch and growth of token projects.


Token vesting in business refers to the process of gradually releasing cryptocurrency tokens to stakeholders, such as employees, investors, or founders, over a predetermined period. This strategy, often governed by a smart contract on the blockchain, aims to align the long-term interests of the stakeholders with the success and stability of the project or company. By staggering the availability of tokens, token vesting helps prevent market flooding and ensures that contributors remain committed and incentivized over time, contributing to the project's sustained development and growth.

Vesting Contract

A vesting smart contract is a type of blockchain-based contract that controls the distribution of digital assets, such as cryptocurrency or tokens, over time. This contract sets specific conditions and schedules for when beneficiaries can access the assets. Commonly used in business arrangements and employee compensation plans, it helps ensure commitment and performance by gradually releasing funds or assets, rather than providing them all at once. This mechanism is particularly prevalent in the cryptocurrency and blockchain sectors to manage the allocation of tokens, often as part of team compensation or investor agreements, to prevent sudden market dumps and to promote long-term project involvement.

NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens)

NFTs encapsulate essential data ensuring their distinctiveness and ownership in the Web3 space. They record the owner's wallet address for indisputable ownership proof and the item's transaction history, highlighting its journey and possibly its escalating value. Metadata provides specifics like name, description, and unique attributes, enhancing its rarity. They link to the actual digital item, often hosted on decentralized platforms like IPFS for permanence. NFTs reference the governing smart contract and follow token standards (e.g., ERC-721) for platform compatibility. Information on creator royalties for secondary sales and potential utilities or interactivities, such as event access or digital rights, are also embedded, enriching their value and application in the digital domain.

First Mover Advantage

First mover advantage refers to the competitive edge gained by a company that is the first to introduce a new product or service to the market. This advantage allows the company to establish strong brand recognition, customer loyalty, and significant market share before rivals enter the field. Being the first mover often enables a business to set industry standards, create barriers to entry for others, and accumulate valuable resources and expertise. However, this advantage can be temporary and comes with risks, such as the cost of initial development and the possibility of competitors improving upon the original product.

EVM - Ethereum Virtual Machine

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is essentially the backbone of Ethereum's blockchain, acting like a powerful, shared computer that can run various applications and enforce agreements, called smart contracts. EVM blockchains are networks that use the same rules and structure as Ethereum, making them compatible and versatile. Some common examples of EVM blockchains are Ethereum itself, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and Fantom. An EVM-compatible wallet, as a result, is a type of digital wallet that can interact with Ethereum and these similar networks. It allows users to store and manage their digital assets, participate in transactions, and use the applications built on these blockchains.

Social Token (SocialFi)

A social finance or SocialFi token is a type of cryptocurrency that represents ownership or participation in a social financial ecosystem. These tokens are designed to integrate social media and decentralized finance (DeFi) concepts, enabling users to engage in financial activities within online communities. SocialFi tokens are often used to facilitate peer-to-peer lending, decentralized trading, crowdfunding, and other financial interactions, while incorporating social features like reputation systems, community governance, and collaborative decision-making. These tokens aim to create a more inclusive and community-driven financial ecosystem, where individuals can collectively participate in decentralized finance activities while leveraging the power of social networks.


Staking in the context of blockchain technology refers to the process where individuals lock or hold their cryptocurrency in a wallet to participate in maintaining the operations of a proof-of-stake (PoS) based blockchain system. In return for their contribution, stakers are often rewarded with additional cryptocurrency. This process helps secure the network and validate transactions.

Network Staking

Network Staking refers to a process within blockchain technology where users lock or deposit their cryptocurrency tokens within a specific network or ecosystem. This form of staking has several key characteristics:
  1. Token Deposit: Users can deposit a specific type of token into a wallet that is part of, or compatible with, a certain network.
  1. Internal Transfers: These tokens can be sent to other users within the same network or ecosystem, facilitating transactions exclusively within this closed system.
  1. Withdrawal Restrictions: Unlike traditional staking models, users cannot withdraw their tokens to external addresses or networks; the tokens remain within the confines of the original network.

    Proof of Work (POW)

    Proof of Work (POW)is a method used to validate and secure transactions in a reward system by requiring participants to perform a certain amount of work. This ensures that rewards are fairly distributed and that the system remains secure. Here’s how it works in the context of a reward program:
    1. Task Assignment: Participants are given specific tasks that require significant effort to complete.
    1. Task Completion: Participants complete these tasks using their resources and skills.
    1. Verification: Once a task is completed, the solution is submitted and verified by the system.
    1. Reward Distribution: Upon successful verification, the participant is rewarded with points, tokens, or other incentives.
    This mechanism ensures that rewards are earned through genuine effort, preventing fraud and maintaining the integrity of the reward system. Proof of Work also deters abuse by making it resource-intensive to manipulate the system.