Last update: 10th of Feburary 2024
Acquire user, acquire user, acquire users.
We have delivered an easy-to-use product to the market. Our next steps are to sign up as many new users as possible and make them use it. For companies like Grindery, with a first-mover advantage, user acquisition is the top priority and key to success.
More specifically, this means
  • Before the end of 2023, we will add basic DeFi features like bridging, swapping, and on/off-ramp. We will also experiment with increasing the utility of the wallet and G1 token directly and with partners.
  • In January 2024, we conducted a series of token sales with the object of funding the project and empower our users to leverage this funding into further user acquisition.
  • For the product, our primary focus of Q1 2024 is to make the product entirely self-custodial, enabling the gas tank and withdrawal. We will experiment further with the utility of the wallet and tokens.
  • We will single-mindedly focus on user acquisition to reach several million sign-ups, build a federation of EVM projects for Telegram, and get Telegram to unlock the attachment menu feature.
  • On the way, as the market turns bullish, we will list the GX token on major exchanges and allow G1 token holders to exchange for GX under the self-governance of the community.
Again, many things can seem important in an ambitious venture like this. However, the priority is user acquisition and laying the ground for a powerful network effect. Almost everything else can be achieved after that.

Product specific milestones and key features

Core FunctionsThe Multi-Chain EVM Gas TankProgressive withdrawal Features